After Ralph Pack buys several appliances from LG, he submits a request for a rebate. But LG doesn’t recognize his serial number. His deadline for submitting the rebate is tomorrow. Is his $500 out the window?
I bought a washer, dryer, mini-washer, and pedestal from LG recently and applied for a $500 rebate. LG says the serial number for the pedestal is incorrect.
I’ve sent LG a photo of the sticker, but a representative told me it wasn’t the serial number. There are no other stickers on the pedestal.
I went to Home Depot, where I bought the appliances, and they couldn’t help me. They gave me a number to call, but that just referred me back to the LG website. I can’t get a human on the phone. This is very frustrating.
I have been trying to submit my application for the rebate for over two weeks. My deadline is tomorrow. Help! — Ralph Pack, McDonough, Ga.
LG offered you a $500 rebate for your appliances, and it should have given you one by now. LG has a helpful website where it shows you how to find the serial number on your appliance. But it only shows you where they are for washers and dryers, but not for pedestals. I did, however, find information about pedestal serial numbers online. Apparently, you can find the serial number on an exterior side panel. An LG representative also told you that normally the serial number is on a sticker on the door.
I’m as frustrated as you are by this case. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say LG is offering a rebate but making it impossible to redeem because it’s hidden the serial number. But who knows? This may just be a simple misunderstanding.
In the end, LG couldn’t help you locate your serial number. It’s possible someone removed the sticker before you purchased the item. I would recommend that you always check for a serial number when someone delivers your appliance. Maybe the takeaway from this case is: If you’re applying for a rebate, you should definitely make sure you can find a serial number before you accept the appliance.
LG approved the claim
I list the executive customer service contacts for LG on my consumer advocacy site, A brief, polite email to one of them might have saved your $500 rebate. But some of the responsibility also falls on Home Depot, where you bought your appliances. It was advertising the rebate and should have been able to help you find the serial number, too. (Here’s how to fix your own consumer problems.)
By the way, you did a great job of keeping a paper trail between you and LG. I can see that you handled this case by the book. Nice work! (Related: My new LG microwave doesn’t work and I want my money back!)
I contacted LG on your behalf. A few days later, you received an email from LG. “Good news!” it said. “Your claim has been approved and we are now getting your Visa prepaid card ready to send.”