A stay at the Driftwood Inn was supposed to cost Bruce $138 through a Website called HotelPlus Destination Portal.

Don’t forget to confirm your hotel reservation

A two-night stay at the Driftwood Inn in Chestertown, Md., was supposed to cost Bruce Romano $138 through a Web site called HotelPlus Destination Portal, as long as he prepaid for his accommodations. That seemed like a good deal. After all, it was Memorial Day weekend, one of the busiest travel times of the year.

He handed the keys to his Hyundai Accent to a start-up company called FlightCar, which offered “free” parking at an off-airport lot.

Sharing companies take over a share of the travel industry

Instead of paying $18 a day to park at San Francisco International Airport last month, Daniel Denegre tried something new. He handed the keys to his Hyundai Accent to a start-up company called FlightCar, which offered “free” parking at an off-airport lot in Burlingame, Calif., and an opportunity to earn up to $20 a day by renting his vehicle to someone else.

Should your airline be allowed to offer you a customized ticket? That’s the intriguing and somewhat thorny question being raised.

Would you buy a “custom” airline ticket?

Should your airline be allowed to offer you a customized ticket? That’s the intriguing and somewhat thorny question being raised by the worldwide airline industry through a little-known proposal called Resolution 787 — not to be confused with Boeing’s troubled 787 aircraft.