Can I get a $500 refund for my Samsung TV that stopped working?
Martin Griffin’s new Samsung TV stopped working. He wants to get his money back, but Samsung has other ideas. Who is right?
Martin Griffin’s new Samsung TV stopped working. He wants to get his money back, but Samsung has other ideas. Who is right?
Latonya Holloway’s TV stopped working. Good thing she bought the extended warranty from Wal-Mart. Or is it?
When Rogers Cable removes two of Ed Kurys’s favorite channels from his cable package, he believes the company is violating his contract. But is it?
Ever had a “duh!” moment that you regretted for years to come?
Jessica Beeman paid $779 for her 50-inch TV, a purchase she was pleased with, until one day “it just stopped” working. And then she wasn’t.
Matt Solum is facing a $400 cancellation fee for a DirecTV package he doesn’t want, and believes he shouldn’t have to pay for. Is there any way to get it removed?
Diana Kennison’s mother has a problem with her new flatscreen TV: it doesn’t work. But neither the manufacturer, nor Wal-Mart, can help her fix it.
Jennifer Mason’s TV is on the blink. She thinks Vizio should repair it, but the manufacturer says it’s out of warranty. Who’s right?