How do you define sustainability? In Gothenburg, Sweden, it’s everywhere
The City Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of several museums with an aggressive sustainability program.
The City Museum in Gothenburg, Sweden, is one of several museums with an aggressive sustainability program.
If you’re looking for a vacation rental this holiday season, you already know about the biggest gotcha: the high price.
When it comes to government travel advisories, Edd Staton doesn’t believe everything he reads.
If you’ve ever struggled to squeeze your carry-on luggage into a ridiculously tiny overhead bin, or had to repack your bag because it was too heavy, or just lost your luggage, then you may already know luggage rage.
A day before Satrupa Kagel’s flight from Tokyo to San Francisco, she finds out American Airlines canceled her ticket. Is she on the hook for the $3,548 she had to spend for a last-minute ticket?
Barbara Glavish didn’t worry about keeping her belongings safe on a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur. That’s because she was carrying a slash-proof handbag, “so I could worry less about getting robbed,” she says.
Tracy Joselson and her husband book a Windstar cruise with a promised all-inclusive package. But then the cruise line takes away the package. Can they cancel their cruise?
Flying a budget airline. Staying at a bad hotel. Traveling with the wrong people.
Vacation regrets, you may have a few for the summer of 2024. More than a few, actually.
Leigh Roberts and her wife book an extra seat on a trip from Orlando, Fla., to Venice, Italy. But United resells the seat to another passenger. Can Roberts get a refund?
It’s easy to get treated like a second-class citizen when you travel: Just say the wrong thing. That’s an undeniable fact that people are rediscovering during the busiest year in the history of modern travel.