Jiffy Lube ruined my car engine. Why won’t it pay $12,998 for repairs?
The engine in Ali Cotton’s Nissan Altima is damaged after he brings it to Jiffy Lube for an inspection. Does the company have to pay his $12,998 repair bill?
The engine in Ali Cotton’s Nissan Altima is damaged after he brings it to Jiffy Lube for an inspection. Does the company have to pay his $12,998 repair bill?
Nancy Epstein gets a repair bill for $3,000 after renting a Turo. But what’s it for? And does she have to pay?
After getting an oil change at Jiffy Lube, the engine on Ian Culhane’s Subaru stops working. The likely culprit is a botched oil change, he says. Why won’t Jiffy repair his car?