Our patience with the TSA is almost up
Let’s give the Transportation Security Administration one last chance.
Let’s give the Transportation Security Administration one last chance.
The TSA is doomed. You’ll have to at least agree that the agency as we know can’t continue to exist as it does.
Here’s a question everyone should be asking after last week’s stunning verdict against Andrea Abbott, the Nashville mother who tried to stop TSA agents from patting down her teenage daughter: Where do travelers turn when they have a legitimate grievance against the agency charged with protecting America’s transportation systems?
American voters, who have felt powerless against the allegedly invasive screening methods used by an expanding TSA, got an unexpected gift from a very unexpected place last week.
If you’re upset by the TSA’s clumsy efforts to protect us from airborne terrorists — and let’s face it, who isn’t? — then you may have missed the good news last week.