What’s the correct compensation for this Delta flight delay?
John Esser’s recent return flight north “headed south,” so to speak. He’d like the airline to make things right.
“Unintentional things can and do happen during flights”
Before I tell you about Justin Cohen’s case, there are one or two things he wants everyone to know. He likes kids. He’s a former teacher and has a “high tolerance” for unruly youngsters.
I missed my brother’s wedding and now I’m missing my refund
Ronnee Schweizer’s flight to the Virgin Islands is canceled, and when her online agency issues a refund, part of the money is missing. How does she get it back?
Is this British Airways flight bad enough for you?
Arthur West’s 50th anniversary trip to Venice was “extremely enjoyable” — except for one little issue: the British Airways flights. All of them.
3 tips for handling upgrade guilt
Do you suffer from upgrade guilt when you fly in first class? You probably do — and if you don’t, you should.
Should airlines charge a change fee even if they can resell the seat?
When part of his flight itinerary changes, Bret Bickar is asked to pay a change fee in order to get back home. Is that unfair? He thinks so. His airline doesn’t. Who’s right?
After a detour to Bangor, do I deserve a ticket refund?
As SAS Flight 910 from Newark to Copenhagen climbed to its cruising altitude on June 20, one of its air conditioning units malfunctioned, forcing it to make an emergency landing in Bangor, Me.