Help me get rid of these bogus moving charges, please!
Cala Woods is led to believe she won’t have to pay to move her DirecTV service. So why does she have to pay $230 to have her new subscription TV service “installed”?
Cala Woods is led to believe she won’t have to pay to move her DirecTV service. So why does she have to pay $230 to have her new subscription TV service “installed”?
Matt Solum is facing a $400 cancellation fee for a DirecTV package he doesn’t want, and believes he shouldn’t have to pay for. Is there any way to get it removed?
DirecTV wants to charge Heather Amaral $238 for moving her service, even though she didn’t want to move, and even though the moving fee wasn’t adequately disclosed. Does she have a case?
When Caren Rickert switches from Comcast to DirecTV, she’s unhappy with the service. But switching back may cost her $460, even though she’s only had DirecTV a few days. Is that fair?
Nathan Witt is sold a “protection” package with DirecTV that covers moves. Only, it doesn’t. Now he’s being asked to pay a moving fee or cancel his service. What should he do?