Oh no! JetBlue breaks guitars, too?
Add the word “breaks guitars” after any company, and everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about.
Add the word “breaks guitars” after any company, and everyone knows exactly what you’re talking about.
Susan Young has waited too long to file a damage claim with here credit card company. But it’s not her fault – a car rental contract employee told her to do it. Who’s responsible?
Months after her car rental, Diane Mikulis gets a bill for damages she doesn’t recognize. When she asks for a translation, the car rental company sends her case to a collection agency. Now what?
When Lauren Fitzgerald’s dishwasher self-destructs, she turns to the manufacturer for help. But it won’t do anything. What the next step?
TSA agents believe they are the last line of defense against terrorism, and that sometimes you have to break a few metaphorical eggs to keep America safe.
William Hicks rents a car from Dollar with a ding in it. Now it wants to charge him for the damage. But it can’t prove he did it. Should he pay, anyway?
Theodore Mariano’s rental car has a scratch, and although his rental company promises it won’t charge him for the repair, it does. Did the scratch exist before he picked it up? Maybe.
A few years ago, car rental companies made a small but profitable change to their contracts. They said if one of their vehicles was damaged by an Act of God, you were on the hook for the car.
Alex Schuler’s new Sears freezer is damaged by a technician. Is she entitled to any compensation for the botched delivery service?