Help! I got a rental car bill I don’t think I deserve
After a grill falls off her rental car, Alamo sends her a bill for $669. Does she have to pay?
After a grill falls off her rental car, Alamo sends her a bill for $669. Does she have to pay?
Jenny Tran discovers a mysterious $260 charge on her credit card and discovers she’s been charged for optional car rental insurance she never wanted, or needed. Can she get a refund?
Reed Scott buys a lemon from a Nissan dealership. Now it won’t cover the repairs for the malfunctioning car. Can it do that?
Susan Young has waited too long to file a damage claim with here credit card company. But it’s not her fault – a car rental contract employee told her to do it. Who’s responsible?
The car rental insurance scam is a fairly well-known “gotcha” for international renters, and it’s a trap Doreen Murphy believes she walked right into when she rented a car from Budget in Northern Ireland recently.
When the clutch on his car fails, Hadley Roeltgen is sent an 850 euro bill. But his credit card company says he shouldn’t be responsible, and reverses the charge. Now, a collections agency is after him. What should he do?
Months after her car rental, Diane Mikulis gets a bill for damages she doesn’t recognize. When she asks for a translation, the car rental company sends her case to a collection agency. Now what?
Brandon Chase’s car rental company says it’s made a mistake on his bill, and reverses a discount long after his rental. Is it allowed to do that? And what are his rights?