I need help un-joining a travel club
The letters between Michael Lefelstein and Island Trader Vacations are increasingly desperate. Turns out he joined a travel club.
A weekly feature in which I ask readers if I should mediate a case.
The letters between Michael Lefelstein and Island Trader Vacations are increasingly desperate. Turns out he joined a travel club.
When I read Grace Lou’s email, I couldn’t believe it. I thought this problem had already been fixed. But it was staring me in the face.
Sandra Han claims her Hampton Inn room wasn’t clean. The Hampton Inn begs to differ.
When Scott Mitchell booked an airline ticket to fly from Austin to New York to see his girlfriend, he decided to play it safe.
I love it when a company beats me to it. Like when Scott Ho contacted me about his problem with Priceline recently.
If you miss a flight connection but your luggage doesn’t, who’s liable when your bag goes missing? It’s an odd problem.
I prefer to stay out of the crossfire in my line of work. Yet I find myself in that situation with some regularity.
One of the most common answers to a travel problem is: You should have bought insurance. I’ve said it and chances are, you have to.
She wanted an apology from Marriott for allowing thieves into the hotel his wife and daughter were staying in, he says.
fundamental disconnect between a customer and a company? You end up with a case where everyone is right — and everyone is also wrong.