Why won’t Jiffy Lube pay for my engine repair? Isn’t it responsible?
After getting an oil change at Jiffy Lube, the engine on Ian Culhane’s Subaru stops working. The likely culprit is a botched oil change, he says. Why won’t Jiffy repair his car?
After getting an oil change at Jiffy Lube, the engine on Ian Culhane’s Subaru stops working. The likely culprit is a botched oil change, he says. Why won’t Jiffy repair his car?
Julie Schumer’s return flight gets canceled during the Southwest Airlines meltdown in December. Southwest sends the money to her cruise line, but her cruise line won’t refund her. What’s going on?
The only way to escape hidden hotel fees is to get creative about fighting them. Here’s how to do it.
Annoying hotel charges were supposed to disappear after the government declared war on junk fees. Instead, hotels fought back.
In a world where words are easily ignored by a company, here are five things you can say that will cause your complaint to fail.
Sitting in a pressurized aluminum tube for hours at a time takes a heavy toll on your body. So how do the pros survive a long flight in economy class? And how do they avoid jet lag?
Overseas Adventure Travel cancels Julie Brown’s pretrip excursion on her Costa Rica tour. But who will pay for her new airline ticket? The company says she’s responsible, but is she?
Travel is officially back this summer — and along with it, all the high prices and headaches that make it unbearable.
If you want to avoid a crowd when you travel, take a number and get in line. There’s a crowd of people who want the same thing.
If you’ve ever seen the words “for your convenience” on a hotel bill, you probably suspect it’s not really for your convenience. It’s for their convenience.